Publishing is hard. The Shiny Sugar Goblin is here to help.
Who is the Shiny Sugar Goblin? Anonymity during the internet era is quite difficult, so we’ll skip that. The Shiny Sugar Goblin is R.J. Blain, a USA Today bestselling independent author of more than sixty novels. This is her way of helping other authors succeed.
Where to Begin?
Writing a novel is hard. Editing a novel is hard. Publishing a novel is even harder.
As there are so many moving pieces involved with writing, editing, and publishing a novel, I’m separating the guide into numerous sections.
Please remember that these are solely my opinion, things I’ve done, things I’ve regretted doing, and everything in between. In good news, if I haven’t done something, I’ll let you know… and I’ll let you know why. I would like to say there are no ‘wrong ways’ to do things in the publishing industry, but I feel there really are.
Crafting a Novel includes everything from conceptualization to editing. Preparing for Publication also includes some elements of editing, but primarily focuses on elements such as cover art, marketing material, advertising a preorder, and so on. Marketing is about, well, marketing. (Good luck.) Finally, survival is important. Without you, dear author, there are no books.

Crafting a Novel
In this section of the Shiny Sugar Goblin’s Guide to Publishing, you will learn about the ins and outs of how she writes a book, from concept to actually finishing the piece.
This is a good place for those new to writing books to start.
Preparing for Publication
Lost on where to start with publishing a novel? This s the place for you. In this section, the Shiny Sugar Goblin will walk aspiring authors through how to prepare a book for publication.
This is the place for those who have written their books and are ready to take the next step.
Unless you are truly fortunate, you can’t just write a book, publish a book, and rake in cash. Alas, the days of easy money writing books is long over. Luck happens to the rare people, but in my personal experience, behind all that luck is a solid marketing plan.
This is the place for those who have already published their books and wish to further their advertising goals.
Surviving as an Author / All Things Post Publication
This is the place for those deeper in their career to find out how the Shiny Sugar Goblin has maintained (or lost) her sanity.
Everyone is welcome here, but expect any illusions of sunshine, rainbows, and cookies to be thoroughly shattered through the harsh realities of the publishing industry.